Wednesday, January 18

Sarah Bieber Handbell Soloist - Be Still, My Soul Arr. Christine Anderson

1 comment:

  1. I am a member of the ACP and of the Monday evening bell choir, The Celebration Ringers. I had to work in the library during most of the January 15th service, but I slipped up to the sanctuary and stood next to the large column near Fred; I arrived just in time to hear your beautiful performance. It was very moving. Fred always tells us that bell ringing has to look easy, and you succeeded in doing that. But we know that ringing requires great coordination and fine musicality, and that it is not easy at all. On Monday evening, we all commented on your expressive phrasing.
    I really love "Be Still my Soul" and I thank you for playing it for us, and for posting your performance on YouTube where I can listen to it again and share it with my husband, who had gone to the earlier service that day. Brava, Sarah!
