Tuesday, January 10

Paintings, paintings, more paintings, sculptures, paintings, chandelier, more paintings....

Looking down the Champs-Elysees, from the top of L'arc de triomphe. The Ferris wheel is at the open end of the Louvre, part of which has lights straight along the roof. Right of the Ferris wheel in the distance is Notre-Dame, then the Grand Palais. Right of the smoke is Saint-Sulpice. The roof of the Madeleine can also be seen to the left of the avenue, parallel to the Ferris wheel, marked by an off-white triangle.
L'arc de triomphe (Built to commemorate Napoleon I's victory at Austerlitz). 11 avenues begin in a star around this circle, the most famous of which is the Champs-Elysees. The statue on the right pillar of the arch depicts winged Liberty urging the people to flight! The left depicts a crown being placed atop Napoleon's head for his triumph of 1810.
Beneath L'arc de triomphe, in the center.
La joconde (Mona Lisa) et Jean (listening to the audio tour under the watchful eyes of the guards!)
Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss by Canova, late 18th c. In the Michaelangelo gallery of the Louvre.
It's a good idea to remember to look up down and all around-- the Louvre (stemming from the French word 'ouvre', or work) itself is a work of art. This is in the Denon Gallery, in the 'red rooms'.
The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike), unkown artist, 2nd c. B.C. STUNNING!!! Victory is allegorically depicted as a woman with wings.

Tour Eiffel, from the top of L'arc de triomphe

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